The envelopes are used to animate a voice each time a note is played. By default, the AMP envelope affects the volume of the voice over time, the FILTER envelope affects the Cutoff parameter of the Filter effect over time, and the MOD envelope is unassigned, but can be configured to animate any parameter in Animoog Z via the MOD page. All envelopes share the same parameters.
NOTE: The AMP envelope directly affects the volume of the voice, while the FILTER envelope's influence can be dialed in using the ENV knob on the FILTER effect.
Determines the rate at which the envelope ascends to the max level while a note is held.
Determines the rate at which the envelope descends from the max level to the Sustain level while a note is held.
Determines the level at which the envelope will be held until the voice is released.
Determines the rate at which the envelope descends from its current level back down to zero when a note is released.
NOTE: These parameters can be directly adjusted by using either the corresponding knobs in the ENV module, or by touching and dragging the nodes in the Envelope View.
Press the triangle in the top right corner of an Envelope Module to access the Envelope More page. This page offers advanced features for further shaping envelopes.
Determines how long it takes for the Attack phase to begin.
When active, the envelope will continuously cycle through all stages while a note is held and begin again once the Release stage returns to zero.
Determines the bend of the Attack stage as it approaches maximum level. A setting of 0 produces a straight, linear curve, while negative values become increasingly logarithmic and positive values become increasingly exponential.
Determines how long the envelope is held at maximum value between the end of the Attack stage and the beginning of the Decay stage.
Determines the bend of the Decay stage as it approaches the Sustain level. A setting of 0 produces a straight, linear curve, while negative values become increasingly exponential and positive values become increasingly logarithmic.
Determines the bend of the Release stage as it approaches 0. A setting of 0 produces a straight, linear curve, while negative values become increasingly exponential and positive values become increasingly logarithmic.
NOTE: The Envelope More Page reveals more nodes in the center of the Attack, Decay, and Release stages that can be dragged to adjust curve.
An LFO (low frequency oscillator) is a MODULATION SOURCE accessible via MOD SLOTS 1-10. An LFO generates a constantly changing value that can be used to modulate any parameter to which it is assigned.
Adjusts the LFO frequency (how rapidly the LFO waveform cycles.)
Sets the LFO Rate to be a multiple or division of Animoog Z’s current BPM, ranging from 8 Wn (whole notes) to 1/64 Wn.
Provides continuously variable selection between five different waveshapes: Sine, Ramp, Sawtooth, Square, & Sample and Hold.
TECHNICAL NOTE: All of the wave shapes are bipolar (symmetrical over the zero crossing) except for Square wave, which is unipolar.
Causes the LFO waveform to restart with each new note. This is useful for creating consistent sound from note to note.
Press the triangle in the top right corner of an LFO Module to access the LFO More page. This page offers advanced features for further controlling LFOs.
Determines amount of time it takes for the LFO to begin moving after a note is triggered.
NOTE: the DELAY parameter only applies when KB TRIG is on.
Determines where in its shape the LFO begins when KB TRIG is on.
Determines how many cycles of the LFO play before it stops oscillating.