The Orbs View is the main display and live environment for all ASE activity. The three main sections of this view are the Wave Cube, the PATH module, and the ORBIT module. Together, these three modules provide control over ASE waveshaping and form the heart of Animoog Z.


The Wave Cube displays a live, interactive visualization of all active voices and the waveforms they are generating. The 16 columns along the X-axis represent the 16 waveforms that exist within each Timbre. Each Timbre is represented by one of eight rows along the Y-axis. The Z-axis provides additional influence over the active Timbre, resulting in more dynamic waveshaping than was possible within the original Animoog. Along the X/Y Grid, there is an oscilloscope that provides a real-time display of the complex waveform being generated by Animoog Z.

NOTE: Detailed information about Animoog Z's wave shaping can be found in a later section of this manual.


A Comet is a visual representation of the waveform being generated by the ASE of each currently playing voice. At any moment, as it dances through time and space, a Comet is morphing between 4 different waveforms represented by individual blocks on the X/Y Grid. The location of a comet in the Z-dimension gets combined with the Y position, adding additional influence over which Timbre is playing. With creative use of the PATH and ORBIT controls, each waveform generator can be made to morph in elegant, chaotic, and geometric ways.

Note: If no Path or Orbit module parameters have been assigned, pressing a key simply causes the Origin to glow.


Each voice follows a path based on a combination of settings in the PATH module, and the nodes that are drawn in the Wave Cube. In addition to controls that allow for designing and controlling custom paths, the PATH module also contains VIEW controls, which enable quick swapping between different viewing angles of the Wave Cube.

Note: The VIEW controls are only available when the EDIT switch is not active.


In order to view and edit the path in three dimensions, it is helpful to change the viewpoint of the Wave Cube. There are two main methods of doing so: by using the VIEW controls in the PATH module or by using two-finger swipe gestures in the Wave Cube.

When the EDIT control in the PATH module is active, the VIEW controls are replace with EDIT controls. Disable EDIT to restore the VIEW controls.

When TOP is selected, the view is almost identical to that of the original Animoog app. The X-axis spans from left to right, the Y-axis from bottom to top. The TOP view provides the most accurate representation of X and Y-axis position, but Z-axis position is difficult to observe in this view.

When FRONT is selected, the X-axis spans from left to right and the Z-axis from bottom to top. This provides the most accurate representation of X and Z-axis position, but Y-axis position is  difficult to observe in this view.

When LEFT is selected, the Y-axis spans from left to right and the Z-axis from bottom to top. This provides the most accurate representation of Y and Z-axis position, but X-axis is difficult to observe in this view.

Using two-finger touch gestures: Another intuitive way to adjust the viewing angle is with gestural controls. Place two fingers on the viewing area and swipe downwards or upwards to roll the Wave Cube toward and away from you. Swipe left and right with two fingers to rotate the X/Y Grid clockwise and counterclockwise.

Tip: On macOS, dragging with two fingers on the trackpad or pressing the option or control key while dragging the left mouse button, also allows changing the Wave Cube's viewpoint

TIP: Double-tapping with two fingers on the Wave Cube is a shortcut gesture to select the TOP view


Press the EDIT button in the PATH module to create or edit a path (EDIT button turns white).
When EDIT is active, the VIEW controls disappear and the MODE and CLEAR switches appear in their place.

ADD: Touch points on the grid to create a path. New nodes will automatically connect to each other.
MOVE: Touch and drag nodes to new locations.
ERASE: To erase a node, simply tap it or drag to erase multiple ones in one gesture.
CLEAR: Press to erase all nodes

When your path is complete, press the EDIT button again to exit Edit mode.


The ORIGIN is the point in space within the Wave Cube that determines the relative position of PATH nodes. If the ORIGIN is moved, the PATH nodes will move along with it while maintaining their spatial relationship to each other. Pressing a key while moving the ORIGIN with your finger will cause the sound to change in real-time based on its position.


The DIRECTION control determines how a Comet travels through a path, using one of the five available DIRECTION types:

ONCE: Comets follow the path from beginning to end and latch to the end point.
LOOP: Comets follow the path from beginning to end repeatedly.
BACK-FORTH: Comets move between the start and end point of a path repeatedly.
BACKWARDS LOOP: Comets follow the path from end to beginning repeatedly.
BACKWARDS ONCE: Comets follow the path from end to beginning and latch to the start point.


The PATH RATE control determines how fast each comet moves along the path.

Note: High settings create complex sounds and geometric shapes in the Wave Cube.


Sets the PATH RATE to be a multiple or division of Animoog Z’s current BPM.


AXIS restricts the movement of the ORIGIN and PATH Nodes to only the X/Y axes in X/Y mode, or only the Z-axis in Z mode, or intelligently in all three dimensions when in AUTO mode.

The behavior of the AXIS mode changes whether EDIT is active or not.

When EDIT is disabled, AXIS provides a stable spatial control for performance in X/Y mode and Z mode, akin to an X/Y controller or a wheel controller.

When EDIT is enabled, AXIS always operates in AUTO mode and the X/Y and Z options restrict the axis in which you edit the PATH NODES.


Comets can be made to orbit the PATH by using controls in the ORBIT module. While X and Y ORBIT parameters still result in elliptic orbits similar to those possible with the original Animoog app, the addition of the Z MULT and Z AMT parameters in Animoog Z allows for complex, three-dimensional shapes that will follow along the PATH you've created.

Note: If no PATH is defined, comets will orbit around the ORIGIN.


Determines the speed at which a Comet will orbit a PATH in the Wave Cube.


Sets the ORBIT module’s RATE to be a multiple or division of Animoog’s current BPM.


Sets the rate of the Z-axis orbit to be a multiple or division of the ORBIT TIME. This can result in complex orbital shapes that remain consistent as ORBIT TIME is adjusted.


The these controls determine how closely the Comet will orbit the Path in the Wave Cube.

X AMT: Determines amount of left to right orbit.

Y AMT: Determines amount of top to bottom orbit.

Z AMT: Determines amount of front to back orbit.